
    Anne Nigten

    Lector Design for Network Ecologies

    From September 2015 until August 2017 Anne Nigten had joined the research center Creating 010 as interim lector at onderzoekslijn Human Centered ICT.

    But first of all I would like to introduce myself.  Since 2007 I have initiated and directed of The Patching Zone, a transdisciplinary media laboratory for (social) innovation based in Rotterdam. The Patching Zone’s research and development work includes co-design, peer-learning environments (communities of practice), mobile technology, playful design and smart city concepts.

    Furthermore I’m lecturing, giving talks and publish on the innovation capacity that stems from the interaction between art, design, technology and science. Besides all this I’m also consulting media, art and science and cultural initiatives in the Netherlands and abroad.

    Prior to my current positions, I was reader (lector) in Popular Culture Sustainability and Innovation, research center (for) Art & Society at the Hanze University in Groningen. For ten years I lead the V2_Lab, the aRt&D department of V2_, Institute for the Unstable Media in Rotterdam and I worked as a project manager at the Utrecht School of the Arts (HKU), at the department of Art, Media & Technology in Hilversum.

    Of course you can also find me on Linked-in or Facebook!


    Van Anne Nigten


    Van Anne Nigten