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Exploring academics’ views on designs, methods, characteristics and outcomes of inclusive health research with people with intellectual disabilities: a modified Delphi study

Publicatie van Kenniscentrum Zorginnovatie

G. Leusink, H.M.J. Schrojenstein Landman - de Valk,van, M. Cardol, T.K. Frankena, J. Naaldenberg, J.V. Meijering | Artikel | Publicatiedatum: 15 juni 2015
The British Medical Journal’s (BMJ’s) patient revolution strives for collaboration with patients in healthcare and health research. This paper studies collaboration with people with intellectual disabilities (ID) in health research, also known as inclusive health research. Currently, transparency and agreement among academics is lacking regarding its main aspects, preventing upscaling of the patient revolution.

Auteur(s) - verbonden aan Hogeschool Rotterdam

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